Saturday, October 11, 2014

My teacher helped write my program with her genius. She was so generous.




I’m coming for you, Micro Soft



In junior high school, I wrote my first term paper. It was on The Underground Railroad.


In the course of research, I was sickened by slavery like Ebola has sickened Africa.


Due to poor Time Management skills, I delivered a one-dimensional paper on history to my English teacher at I.S 151. It lacked depth charges of independent thoughts


Later on, a black girl, who enjoyed my sense of humor, shielded me against a fellow student who had a sexual interest in her. 


He had pushed me hard against a wall between classrooms as his gang stood with the eyes of a lynching mob. In The South Bronx of America, I was bleeding words over humiliation by inhumanity.


I brooded over betrayal.


I hated hypocrisy.


I found myself staring at a window in the projects until the bully showed.


He was spooked by the look in my eyes. It’s just you and me now.


It’s Judgment Day Dress Rehearsal.


He never came down to fight.


Truth and Justice is not just for the comic books.


Like the kids say, keep it real.


WE, The People…




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