Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Big ideas start small

Your brains have been tagged to help dream in the spirit of higher education for children.


Make a dent in the universe to REM’s song It’s The End Of The World, As We Know It


And I Feel Fine.


I did this inspired by crayon drawings of the future held up by kids at the recreational center of Saint Mary’s Park.


Unlike the Marvel superheroes painted on the walls outside the art room, I’m a thief who has to do community service by putting every cop and civilian on police line-ups to draw tourists to The South Bronx of America.


Think of it as the NYPL issuing a warrant for the arrested development of we, the people.


Book them, Dano. This means also you Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor.


Thank you all for allowing this cyber thief to steal your gold hearts. LOL!


How To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks


By Danny Aponte of P.S 161


Copyrighted 2014


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