Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Epic Synopsis Several Déjà vu Later After Inaugural Rites

I sculpture cyberspace with Word98 to imagine vision freed in The 21 Century.

Go back centuries, children, and risk heartache to find poetry.

Go draw venom from rattlesnake racism. Go make vaccine from words. Go heal with two-edged sword called conscience and make words bleed on paper.  See our Uncle draft white boy Puerto Ricans at odds with Yankee accents of darker skinned cousins in camouflage. See them defend U.S against enemies foreign and domestic. Teaching history is, in part, about teaching failure of the school that failed to teach us history. In the persistence of memory, I recall being potty trained while a Big Eye in the sky stared.

This is CBS.

Welcome home (where no laugh track need apply)

In the persistence of memory, see my mother, Carmen, who worked long hours in pen & pencil factory. See her draw my first smile. See white rabbit fall into black hole.

Go home to the shadows of burnt-out buildings and bullies that fell over us in The South Bronx and see Anne Frank, godmother of my journal. See beyond my first bedroom window to a park of fireflies that, once upon a time, was the real estate of The Founding Father who put together little three words that spelled Constitution. I‘ve seen sights in my Wonder Years We, The People wouldn’t believe. I dreamt words akin to autumn sun over free love of the 1960s. I dreamt the Star Trek of the better angels of our nature.

I dreamt America last night in a war of ideas in cyberspace.

And it was good to go.

P.S: The Inner Child died after writing this and went to Google Heaven.

He’s in a better place now.

Wonder Years Forever.

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